
Mwahaha..I captured the pic of the day! =D
Lazying around..lala~
something is wrong with the timing of my blog.I wonder why.......
Not so good ... x(
I called shatec this morning..I askd about the student pass thingy.They said after 3 weeks when the school started and I still dun hav my student pass,I cant join the class anymore.I have to wait till the next intake which is NEXT YEAR JULY!I said I tot there is another intake on the October?The person said not for tourism.GREAT!!!
I went to my old school,but I couldnt get the principal,she said...NO NEED PRINCIPAL SIGN!!can be behalf on the principal!HAHHAAAAAAAA!that time she said the principal must sign!!!!LOL.
Ok,cannot blame the person,Im wrong too.I should keep coming for the signature.
I rushed to YYSS after that...lucky Mrs.R was there.She will fill the form up and sign for me. =) THANKS Mrs.R =D
It will be done by monday..
no more mood to write.lol.
nite2.I will play my game instead.
HEY YA! =)
Im addicted to GunBound! =D hehee...I've been playing it since I woke up,till now.(I woke up arnd 12 oclock)
Im going to start GE soon xD so many games!!!hahaha.
I havent done my student pass yet...x( I hate it,its so troublesome.
Ok,this one is really really sure!
Im gg to YYSS tml to drop the form.CONFIRMED!haha.I didnt go that day.
Umh...wad else to write..?!
Nothing I guess.
~Its my choice to think about it or not to think about it.I choose : I DONT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THAT N BE HAPPY! =D hehehehe....Im a happy girl! =D
I've been slacking for the whole day!!hahaha.Im gg to be VERY fat soon.. x(
All I did was,sitting in front of computer and eat.lol.
But nvm..Im moving anyway.I will go to the gym regularly ^^ hehee.
Ah,nothing much for today..
Im going to YYSS b4 I go to work tml.
OK!all done! =D nice or not?hehehe..
Im going to sleep now.
Nite2! =D
~In love =D
NVM..I wont change my link.LOL.
Lets just use this.
Umh..=\ for quite sometimes,somethin happened to my blog.I dont know why!!!So I moved to http://thychuz.spaces.live.com
Today,this morning exactly,I downloded internet exp 7.0.Last time,I wasnt interested with IE7.0 but when Kev went back,he brought his laptop back too and I keep using his.Im like..interested now and I want it.LOL.
The thougts came through my mind,"lest check out my blog site.who knows after I downloaded IE7.0 the error will be gone." I went to check,and here I am,back to blogger.
So,today..is my working day.
I woke up around 11 o'clock,web cammed with Kev talked2,played audition together after that I went to bathe and off to work.
Like usual..BORING!!ARGH!I cannot stand it!lol.
I sold 1 white and gold dress.Not bad!! =)
I went homeeeeeeeeee...then bla bla..ate too much! xD then then played audition.
I stopped because I feel very giddy..
Btw..whoa,I still remembered Shima said something like,blogger should have a better draft something something.LOOK at it!Shima,ur wish came through!hahaha.
Ok,I like blogger even more! =D
Im thinking of changing my blog skin..lets see...
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!my blog is back! =D lol.
Im going to change my blog..
Lets see..