The more I think,the worst I'll be.
It feels,I dunno how to describe.
Sometimes I feel like askin,why me?!But I know its a waste of time to think that way,coz there is no answer for it!
My Kev is sleeping now...he is too tired after his self study.
I dunno wad other word to describe,but I MISS HIM LOTZ!
Lots of things ran through my mind..n how I wish that u were here to do the things that u usually do to me when I feel confused...
Well,nothing more bout today..
Woke up n talk to Kev..
Had my lunch n all that..chatted with some of my friends while I was waiting for him to be released from the class.
Chatted with him till 6 somthing..
He called again,and we talked awhile..
Bathed,went out to buy foods n then here I am.
I noticed...everyday I always do the same thing..
Wake up around 11 to Kev,chat,then bathe...go out to buy foods..then blog.LOL
Wad a BORING life...
Im planning to go Kev's house tml..I want to watch Putri yg Terbuang with his aunt =)
I miss her too!!!!She is sooooo caring!!! ^^
N yah..I got job interview this fri..I want to work!!
Hopefully by next week I'll be able to work at that place...heheee...
~I MISS U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today,Kev told me this "we've only been together for 5 mnths..but i much....i love u so much.." =D
I love Kev!! ^^
Kev called me when I woke up..hehee..
He got to go bank n do some transfer thingy...after tt he went to library to chat with me =)
We talked for veryyyyyy long! =) Heheee...
We stopped chatting bout 9 o'clock there which is 6 o'clock here..
He was going to meet 1 of my friend,Kurni for dinner.
He was the one who was going to meet Kurni,but Im the one who got excited...hahahahahaz.
I've never met Kurni b4..even tho he is my friend.
But he is a nice person =)
He is my friend's friend which became my friend =) I went out after that to buy my dinner.
I bought prata sausage @ heartland and nasi lemak at hawker centre.
I couldnt finish my nasi lemak =( WASTED.I dont think I will want to eat it again...coz Im VERY full now.
Oh ya,I couldnt connect to the internet just now.SOB.I scared I cant chat with Kev tml..but thank God its ok now =)
~I miss I miss I miss I miss my prince Kev!!! ^^
I didnt blog yesterday...
coz I dunno wad to write..n wad to say.haha.
I dont feel well yesterday...I was tired.
Sent my sis home..talked to my mum bout "that" thing,then went home after that..
Dunno wad happened to my phone =(
But I took out the batt n now its ok.
Today,I woke up coz my Kev called =)
He was at the library..wanted to chatt with me.Hehehe ^^
Onlined..bla bla..He got class to attend,so I made my lunch n then eat!!! =)
Watched princess hours while waited for Kev...
Then chatted again with my Kev...till the library closing down,so he had to leave..
Had a long long talk with him..heheee =) I was so happy ^^ we can talk about everything under the sun!!! no exception!it was FUN =p
Watched again...n now the I've finished the whole series =p
Smsed Kev...bathed...went to buy dinner...bla bla
Its just like that...nothing more..
~I love Kev ^^ Kev Kev Kev!!!!
Nothing much bout today...
Slept at 3a.m yesterday,woke up this morning because of my sis' sms..
Read his msg n replied him...
While waiting for him to go to the library,I fell asleep again...
I woke up then I went online...talked with him lotz lotz stuff...=)
After that I bathed,ate my lunch n went to pick my sis up.
Went home...
Kev called when I smsed him.
We talked..n he made me laughed ^^ with his _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _.
Played audition...bla bla...ate my dinner...n now.blogging.
I dunno whether I should find a job,or just slack the whole day like this...=\
~Do u noe how much I miss u?!?! =')
I didnt go anywhere I did nothing except chatting,drinking,blogging,n bla blas...haha
Kev called me ^^ we talked bout 2hrs ++!! =) I love Kev so much!!!
Went out to buy nasi lemak...ate the nasi lemak,trashed all the rubish!washed the plates n here I am..blogging..
Uh,nothing more bout today...
~I cant wait to see u...^^
Conta... = Crap+Onta!! =p
Some words that only Kev n I understand..hahaha...
Ytd I slept aroung 5a.m..
Woke up a few times,coz my mum called...she asked me to msg my dad..ugh!nvm..forget it.
Slept again,woke up at 1.30p.m I think...haha.
Waited for Kev to go online..
Ate sushi...
Chatted with Kev...watched movee while he was doing his HW..
Then then...I bathed n went to Kev's house.
Meet his bros...haha..they look VERY similar to me..haha...
Watched putri yg terbuang with Kev's guardian..=)
Talked n all that.
She is so caring...she asked me whether I've eaten everytime I go there...
She always ask me to eat...She asked me whether I still have instant noodles at home n all that...
She gave me 3 packs of milk just now...=)
She si SO NICE!!! ^^
Im worried oso...Y u always wake up in the middle of the night...
Y cant u sleep soundly?!?!
U r not used to it is it??
I cant wait for u to come back!! T_T...
Uh,check this out...
Is your birthday day 23 of the month?
Your Life :
You never live your life in the way others want you to.
You are an independent individual who loves challenges and excitement.
You are ready to face with the result of your decision.
You are usually the one your friends count on.
Your Love :
Because you love excitements, you occasionally get involved in forbidden love affairs.
You may fall in love with a married person and no one can stop you from making progress.
You are very charming, although you might not realize it.
-_-''' Im not independent...I dont love challenges...Im SCARED of it.
NO NO...I had a BF who loves me so much!He is not married to anyone else...n I dont think I will like the person who already married...
Its SO NOT TRUE!!! -_-'''
Nothing nothing nothing!!
Woke up this afternoon...waited for Kev to online,chatted with shan,shandy,n ibam...
Ate bread..whila watching princess hours..
Tried to change Kev's BG for his blog...
Then asked Tina to company me but foods...
Ate at home,watched ms.Swan -_-''' hahaha...
Tina just left...n Kev is sleeping there...
Hmmm...thinking wad to do next.LOL..
B O R E D...
~I cant get u out of my mind...n I wouldnt want to...=) Missing u SO MUCH!
Got nothing to do now..=(
Home alone!!
Uh,I cant wait to see Kev tml =p
He is going to the library and online!!I want to see him!!! =)
Erh...anyone have the song by natalie-love you so ?!?! Can send me pls...
I want that song!! =p
Nicoleeeeeeeee...can send meee,plsssss ... =)
~Trust u in everything u do =)
Going back to Singapore today...
At home all alone.LOL..
I got nothing more to say...but I feel so MISERABLE.
No appetite to eat...n I dont feel hungry...
~Im in my own world..
Its so NOT GOOD...
I dunno know wad to say..but I Miss U KEV! =')
Cant wait to see u again...^^
Nth much today... tat lah..haha.
My dad n mum gave me ang paos...
We didnt go anywhere..just stayed at home n no one come to our house too...-_-'''
My sis is sick now =(
We r going out tml maybe..
Hope it'll be FUN!haha.
Msgin Kev 4 almost the whole day...not almost,the WHOLE day laaa...
I miss HIM lotz!!!
~Lalala..Missing U!! =')
Walaupun langit pada malam itu
Bermandikan cahaya bintang
Bulan bersinar betapa indahnya namun menambah kepedihan
Ku akan pergi meninggalkan dirimu
Menyusuri liku hidupku
Janganlah kau bimbang dan jangan kau ragu
berikanlah senyuman padaku
Selamat tinggal kasih sampai kita jumpa lagi
Aku pergi takkan lama
Hanya sekejap saja ku akan kembali lagi
Asalkan engkau tetap menanti...
~I miss U.I miss U.I miss U.I miss U.I miss U.I missU!!!!
So so...
I woke up early today..uh,around 9 something..
Msgd Kev...coz he havent msg me yet =(
He tot I was still slpin.haha.
I fell asleep again till 12 -_-'''
I scared tonite I cant sleep..=(
Do nothing for almost the whole day.LOL.
Is like nothing to do here.
My dad was workin,My mum was doing her own things...
My idiotic bro was platying PS..n my sis was playing computer.
Chatted with Kurni n Ibam for a while...but sth was wrong with the we didnt talk anymore,
I was sms in with Kev for almost the whole day too -_-'''
I was like..OMG!I feel very guilty towards him n his family lah...=(
He spent so much money for top up card...=(
Ok,this one is FUNNY for today..LOL
Yesterday my sis took 1 tee from my bag...I put my undergarment inside my bag too.
She took it out..n then she put it somewhere else..
After I finished bathing,I was looking for it..I NEED it!!!
I asked my sis bout tt,but she said she didnt noe bout it...she put it somewhere near my bag.
I asked her to look for it..
After about almost 30 mins...FINALLY she found it..LOL
It was found somewhere inside my jeans..not really inside...uh,I dunno how to explain la -_-'''
Dont u think its stupid?!
All u need to do to FLUSH is to press the button!!!OMG...
Chicken sizes' brain!!!!
Uh,I remembered...I said sth tt made Kev feel so sad =(
I wont say or even think tt way anymore!PROMISE =)
So dun b sad...k?! ^^
~MISSING U!!! =')
My dear,
just remember my love
It doesn't matter where I stand
I'm always beside you
in your heart,holding your hand.
So trust me,
I'll never leave you
alone you'll never b e
I'll always love you
miserable,I'll never let you be.
My love,
the past can never be undone
so let me carry the burden
I'll free you from your miseries
security is what I'll give in return
I'll always be by your side,
Never letting you out of my heart.
Forever watching and loving you.
In my heart we'll never be apart
In my heart we'll never be apart...
~I love U...n I miss U...='(
Ok..I know its getting late right now..
Im so tired sumore I have to go back to Indo tml...
But I dont feel like sleeping..
Its like...uh?Dunno how to say laaa..
Just dont feel like sleeping!! =(
I cant wait to see him on JUNE...JUNE JUNE JUNE..Sad...
He told me,that he posponed our V day..=p haha..
He sent me chocos from there too!!!OMG!
I cant wait to eat the chocos...=p n of course to see him laa!!!
P.S : Km pasti lagi kgn bgt m km!!! T_T bsk aq plg pagi,no aq yg biasa...+6285959186871 aq mo coba bw web cam ny,tp tktna ga guna,soalny pst bakal pts2 gt.jd mgkn aq tinggal aj.kl int km uda jln,lgsng ks kbr aq y?aq pst bkl usahain pgn sms km,tp tktny km kbgn,jd aq tls dsni btr lg mo bo2 syng bgt m km!! =)
I wanna be NO ONE,but ME! =)
Uh,wrong day to go out..LOL.
I WAS LIKE..."STOP hugging,kissing or even holding hands infront of me lah!!!"
I miss Kev so MUCH!
He will be back on JUNE...haha.
I am so HAPPY!
He will be back for 2 weeks!!
Watched Epic Movie at cathay with tina...
Went home then called Kev...haha.I called australian no using home phone for 1h ++++
LOL.I dont want to noe bout the bills!!REALLY -_-'''
Downloaded new game...audition.haha.
Going to play it after this! =)
~I LOVE U so MUCH! =) I MISS U!!!!
Its the same one as his...=)
Im wearing it now!!n I'll always wear it...=)
I wanted to ride this!!!BUT BUT BUT...SO EX!!! T_T $10...OMG..
Hoho... Today is my first day for me to start everything in a new way of us.
Its kindda hard,but I have to go through it!
Cried for almost a whole day...haha coz he didnt go online in the morning till noon.
He is still using Singapore's I called.
Waited for him to go online... till FINALLY he online.. I was so happy!!!
Thats when I stopped crying.haha.
As long as I can talk to him...n tell him wad I feel,everything will be allright again =)
Kev went offline...something was wrong with the internet n he couldnt connect again.
I waited n I fell asleep..
Uh..lets cut it the rest is not so important n its full of CRYING.
I cried again...but I called him n he let me talked to him for SO LONG!
I scared his phone bills will be VERY ex...but he said its ok,his parents will understand.. =)
He tried to call me using his australian number...but He didnt noe y the SIM card was not working.
Hehe...he will be online tml!!YAY!!!
Talked to my friends on the msn... Then I bathed...went out to eat at MAC with TINA =)
Thanks for accompanying me!!! =)
We r gg out tml...=)
Hehe...dont be jealous Kev,we r gg on a date!!!HAHA...=p
Uh..bout today...
I woke up at 11 something...almost 12 p.m...chatted with Ibam,and Shandy..
after that I went to bathe and I went out to sch.
I reached sch just on time...
Went up to the hall...lisen to all of the speeches..UGH...Its important but I dont think I was listening...
coz I dun understand anything at all..I was too nervous..
I got the result...Almost cried...but I didnt cry.
Kev cheered me up...=) THANKS ALOT TO U!!Without u,I really dunno wad I'll be right now...=p Hehee...
Watched "Putri yg terbuang" at Kev's house with his guardian,Tante Eng Tin...
Met his bro for the first time...Uh,his second bro...The rest went out,so I couldnt meet them.
Then then...went to pick my sis up.
Told my mum bout the result already.
I don’t think she understands bout it.
But I’ve already explained to her.Haha…
I told my dad already bout it n I’ll update to him again later.
Ok…after that…we took a long path…HAHA..from commonwealth we took bus to HOUGANG mall to eat.
We ate Pepper’s Lunch…The food was nice!!! =)
And ex too..-_-‘’’
We didn’t noe…
Laughed and chatted there…LOL.My sis is so FUNNY la…=p
I love the two of u a lot!!! (Kev n My sis)
Went home…Bathed…N here I am now,blogging.. =)
~I love U so MUCH! =)
OMG!!!I did much much lower than I expected... I was so SAD!
But thanks to my lovely bf n my lil sis.
I dont think I'll know wad to do without them =)
They gave me SUPPORTS!!!I need it!
I WANT TO DO BETTER next time.OK?! I promised myself bout it.
So ya...I decided to go on tourism course.. I wanted to do that course since I was Young...
Young as in very YOUNG! Haha..
Im still YOUNG now =p..
Hope that they will take me in! !
I got 18 pts for L1r4...I passed everything.
I dont want to display the detail,coz Its not something to be proud of..
2.30 p.m....OMG.
Im bored...Waiting for the night to fall..LOL.
Uh,I want songs...anyone can send me songs plss???
I want Wind It Up by Gwen Stefani,Fergalicious by Fergie,Nothing In This World by Paris Hilton...
Drop It Like Its Hot too...
I found those songs inside nic's playlist...
NICCCC!!Can send me those songs plsss.....
Kev is coming...Kev is coming...YAY! =)
~Cant wait to see u...
OK,woke up at 10.00a.m just now.
Early huh?LOL...
I normally wake up around 1 or 2 but today is different.
One of my friend smsed me..n somehow I couldnt sleep again after that.
So I woke up and online.
Put all the dirty clothes on the washing machine already...
Nothing more to do...except EAT...
Too lazy to walk out n buy...HAHA.
Uh,Kev booked the ticket AGAIN for today...3.30p.m.
I hope everything will be allright,so he can fly her ASAP.
I miss him very much laaaaaaaaaa!!
Oh ya,just remember bout our result...
Our result will be released tml...2.30 PM.
I will wear sch U with Nic,n I dunno bout the rest.
But Im curious...LOL.
Lest see then...
~Loving U deeply =)
Im still awake n I dont feel sleepy at all...LOL.
But Im quite tired of sitting down infront of my computer for the whole day,so maybe I'll b off soon.
Uh,a sudden uneasiness.LOL
I dont like her...I HATE her but yet I keep thinking bout her.
Is like...uh,FOR WHAT?!
But I couldnt figure it out myself.
C O M P L I C A T E D!
~I am ....
His flight has been cancelled again...
I got NOTHING more to say..
Today,I woke up at 3p.m...I slep for 13hours.LOL.hahaha.
Chatted with Kev,Kurni,Ibam,Shandy,n Tone too.
Uh...I changed my sis's skin.I dont really like her old skin...Looke so messy.
Learned lots of things from Kurni..THANKS LOTZ!!
Kev is now offline..He is preparing his stuff for the flight!
YAY!He is coming back tonight.Hehehe..
~I am so HAPPY =)
Today,I woke up at 1p.m.haha.
I turned my computer on straight away!haha.
I didnt eat at all till just now,I just finished eating.
I found another 1 of my old friend!!OMG!
I am so happy!hehe..=)
His name is Shandy Putra.
He is my junior high and senior high school friend.
Hehe..Long time no see man!
Ok,Kev cancelled his flight yesterday..
But he promised me to come tml.
So,I'll wait!Hehe.
~Im bored! =(
HOHOHO!All right!HERE is MINE!
1.I want to clip ur hair,n u have to walk out from ur house to send me home WITHOUT TAKING IT OUT from ur hair.
2.I want to take pics (no 1)!
3.I want to design ur nails...n DONT ERASE IT!!
4.I want to change our ring...lets have a new one! =)
5.I want more kisses too.
6.More hugs too!
7.I want u to change ur whishlists no 9,10, and 11.
8.I want u not to wait up for me if its already very late and I still dont want to sleep.
9.I want to have a good talk with u again!
10.I want us to work together!I need $$$ LOL.
11.I want to noe more bout ... (u know who!)
12.I want u to come back ASAP!
13.I want to go shopping with uuuuu ^^ company me...k?! =)
14.I want to watch a movee with u!
15.I want to BITE u!
Wait!I'll come up with more wishes...*GIGGLES*
So..its so late now,but Im still awake.I dont feel sleepy at all! =(
But Im tired of sitting down infront of computer for the whole day!
My computer is my BEST friend EVER!LOL...hahahaha
Kev is still in indo now..=(
He cancelled his fligt yesterday.SAD.
~I miss u so much!
Aku yg lemah tanpamu
Aku yg rentan karena,cinta yg tlah hilang darimu
yg mampu menyanjungku
Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itu pun aku mampu untuk mengenangmu
Darimu kutemukan hidupku
Bagiku kaulah cinta sejati
Bila yg tertulis untukku adalah yg terbaik untukmu,
kan kujadikan kau kenangan yg terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupmu yg tlah terukir abadi,
sbg kenangan yg terindaaah.
~I like this song very much! =)
Whatever so difficult to get, u'll feel so amazing when when u finally get it.
To get something, u have to be brave to take the risk,
the bigger the risk,the bigger the reward.
I prefer to believe people's best!
I got those words of wisdom..haha,from one of my friend.
His name is KURNI.
He is now in australia,Sydney.
Just woke up not long ago...
Finally I can sleep properly here.haha.
Ok,NO FOOD here...n Im too lazy to walk out n buy.
The sky is so uh..dark,if I go out,I scared it'll rain..
I dont have an umbrella,n nobody is no one to borrow an umbrella from.
HEY!Kev will be back today!YAY!
Im soooooooooo happy! =)
I cant wait to see him! =)
INITIAL T -_-'''
I went to my mum's house n just got home and bathed.
I went there to send my sis home..
We went to Heartland to get some stuff and EAT.
I ate KFC again..
After that we took MRT to commonwealth and we walked to my mum's house.
The wind was so nice,so I decided to walk slowly (as i always walk very fast -_-''') and feel the wind.LOL.
My sis told me lots bout my mom and my bro.
The 2 of them can be VERY funny(in a bad way) LOL and they can be very IRRITATING too.
We keep laughing at that time.Hahaha.
When I reached there,my mum told me that she've bought a CNY clothes 4 me,but she wasnt sure whether I'll like it anot.
She showed me some clothes..I dont think I like any of them...-_-'''
But maybe I'll take one of them to make her happy.
When I was trying all the clothes,I realized tt all clothes is the same size as my mum's...
The size is exactly the same as my mum's size,coz she can wear those!
My mum said "I have 4 children,u have NONE...but ur tummy is the same as mine..."
I fell so ARGH!
OMG...Im so FAT! =(
I feel so uncomfortable laaaaah! =(
Another thing is...
The last time we met is on the 3rd of January @ Dufan...
I miss him so much!!
Faster come back!!!
~I love U so MUCH!
Just finished my food..Im FULL. ^^
Just now I went out to Heartland to buy some stuff n FOODS..
I almost faint just now..too tired already and I dont feel well today.
But I feel so much better arfter I eat!hehee..
Kev is coming back on Monday if he can get the ticket..YAY!
N they said,our result will be released next week!
I cant wait to see the result! =)
Good luck eveyone.
My sis is staying over tonight,and we r going to play computer games now..
~I miss U so MUCH!
Uh,I dunno y I couldn't post pics =(
But I'll just break it into 1 post each pics.
Oh anyway..How's my new skin?!Hehe =)
Isn't it better than last time?
Give me comments ok?!
Kind of pissed of coz of somebody(I dont want to mention the name)
I really dun understand actually wad is he thinkin bout..
I DONT GET HIM at all now.
So,HEY!I dont think u deserved any CARE,any ADVICE from me.
So do whatever u want in ur OWN life! =)
Hello...Im back! =)
I came back yesterday..but I didnt blog.
Something was wrong with my blog n I got no mood to find out.
So I didnt blog.
I couldnt sleep last nigh..=(
N now I feel EXTREMElY tired...dying!
My back is killing me..ARGH!
Im hungry too...
I need foods!!!