
She so fierce..T_T Did I do something wrong?SAD..
She called my name,and WOW!!!PERFECT PRONUNCIATION!!
I was so shock that she called my name.OMG.I stunned,okay?!
But she so fierce...SAD.
My feelings just get mixed up when I see her behave that way..

I dunnot understand why..
Sometimes,something that is just too perfect can make someone just dont like it..
LOL...is my sentences in da proper n correct manners?
K,lets forget bout it..
Disturbing my mind!

AGAIN,gg out to study tonite...same place,same time
Mac.d 7 oclock..Anyone interested to join?!msg meeee!!
Tonite session special for nic..=) CHEM!!

-NIC!!!hahahahaha..."HandsomeBoy" lol..I will send u sooner or later =p
-Bemused =\

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