
Yapz..Im here.Blogging..=)
Nonsense day in sch..hahaz.
During the first two periods,amaths..he gave me a worksheet,I have to do it on the spot.So..I started to do..can do six qsns in 1h.not bad.normally I lyk everything oso dunno how to do =) so happy coz of that.hahaz.
I played another round of national builder game.Got higher score than b4..282k,senior builder.HAHA..
Oh ya..this morning,my best crazy friend quarrel wif _ _ _ _ Y ..LOL.I didnt noe tt she felt that irritated..omg.
But somehow..I agree that she(that girl,NOT my dear friend!!) was rude.She can just ask my friend directly bout the thing that she wanted my best friend to give back.Dont have to ask other ppl to ask right?!I mean..Last time bout the $4 money,I asked other ppl to ask her oso,n she was irritated coz of that..So why is she like that to other ppl now?!
Dun get wad she is thinking..
K,forget bout her..
Today..took lotz of pics of US (4d) =) wanna see it?!there...on top..
I only put one..hahahaz.