Its just like that...
Nothing much bout today...
Slept at 3a.m yesterday,woke up this morning because of my sis' sms..
Read his msg n replied him...
While waiting for him to go to the library,I fell asleep again...
I woke up then I went online...talked with him lotz lotz stuff...=)
After that I bathed,ate my lunch n went to pick my sis up.
Went home...
Kev called when I smsed him.
We talked..n he made me laughed ^^ with his _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _.
Played audition...bla bla...ate my dinner...n now.blogging.
I dunno whether I should find a job,or just slack the whole day like this...=\
~Do u noe how much I miss u?!?! =')