
Okaayy...finally I can update my blog..^^
Oh so Happy! =p

So yah..
Im now at Jakarta..At my very own house..
I came back from my sis's house yesterday.
Kind of "ARGH"
With all the nothing-to-do-ness!
Actually lotz of things I can do there,but Im just .... dunno -_-'''
Even tho no one is here to accompany me,I still can go online..
So yah..It doesnt get any better here! =)
Another thing is tt..Ummm..My feelings is just not right towards my sis..
Is like...there is no difference here with nobody and there with lots of ppl...get wad I mean?!
Dunno how to explain oso..
Its just like that lah!

But nvm...I feel lots lots better here..
I dont have to wait for anybody to come home...
And I can do whatever I want here...At my very own house =)

And yah!I love my dad LOTZ!
He gave me a new phone!YAY!
I didnt ask for it!But he offered...^^
But I have to exchange with my pretty maroon v3i..
Kind of confused which one to use..but in the end I decided to use the new Sony Ericsson M600i
Bye bye my pretty V3i...
I will miss u ='(

Umm...wad more?!
Bout today..Nothing much!
Either PS2 or Computer...
Like that for the whole day.LOL...

-Oh so sweet!!!!!Thx for the Poem ^^

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