
leave her cute text messages.
-oh so sweet! =P
kiss her in front of your friends.
-ermm...I shy la..=trust her over everyone else.
-oh so sweet! =)
tell her she looks beautiful.
-oh so sweet! =)
look her in the eye when you talk to her.
-erh...=\ hahaz..
tell her stupid jokes to make her laugh.
-so sweet,crap...=P LOL...jk only.hahaz.Oh so sweet!!
let her mess with your hair.
-=P Oh so sweet!
mess with her hair.
-Dont do that when I tied my hari...=\ Hahaz.But,oh so sweet! =)
just walk around with her.
-Sweet sweet!!! =P
include her in all things you do.
- =) Oh so sweet!!!
when she cries, do whatever it takes to makehersmile.
-OMG!!!EXTREMELY SWEET! =P crazy me XP yeah...hahaz
forgive her for her mistakes.
- =) Oh so sweet!!
look at her like she's the only girl you see.
-I shy laa...=P hahaz.Oh so sweet!
tickle her even when she says stop.
-erh..=\ naughty!!But oh so sweet!
hold her hand even when you are around your friends.
- =)
when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
-oh so sweet!!!
let her fall asleep in your arms.
-oh so sweet!!! =)
get her mad, then kiss her.
tease her and let her tease you back.
-hahahaz...=) so sweet! =P
stay up with her all night when she's sick.
-so sweet but dont do that!!U need rest oso..=)
watch her favorite movie.
-oh so sweet!!
kiss her forehead.
-SWEET! =)
give her the world.
- =)
write her letters.
-oh so sweet!! =)
let her wear your clothes.
-oh so sweet!
when she's sad, hang out with her.
let her know she's important.
-yap yap!Sweet!
let her take all the photos of you she wants.
-hahaz...how if the person stingy?!dont want to give...or dont have?!hahahaz.
kiss her in the rain.
-dont want =P I dont want to be sick during my Os...(but now Im sick)
call her every night.
-oh so sweet!

-So..how many oh so sweet do I have? =P

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