
1.How are u?
-Fine =) thanks!
2.Who are u chatting with?
-My sweetness =)
3.Current song playing?
-No song..My guardian is watching TV
4.Last on the phone with?
-My sweetness =)
5.What are you wearing?
-Jersey with Klutz and my name on it ^^
6.Last thing eaten?-White rice with sambal kangkong and friend prawn with butter.YUMMY!
7.Do u miss someone?
-Ya =(
8.Do u feel like screaming?
-I always feel like screaming..n is like..everytime I scream,my guardian will shush me up.
9.Do you like someone right now?
-Ya!Always like him XD
10.Are u a good kisser?
-Uh,I dunno =p hahahaz.
11.Where is ur dad?
12.Last shoes worn?
-School shoes during the last day of Os

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