
U huh U huh..life's like this!!
U huh U huh..thats the way it is!

Well...Wanted to write blog last night after I got back from the movee...=P But then I was very sleepy..hahaz.Erhm..Wad did I want to write yesterday?!Dunno.I Forgot.
Something about life,but I dunno wad it is.Cant think of any.Brain dead coz too much sleep.hahaz.
Ya,yesterday while I was waiting for her,I went to Kinokuniya @ Taka to read sth.There is this book about anti-chinese violent in Indonesia.It happened in the year 1998..The book is telling us from the root or start.I read that book..Quite interesting,since that I only knew bout the incident,not the causes or the start.I was outside at that time..Following my mum shop around.I was only 11 years old at that time.When I was on my way to my house,I saw the crowd,the army,inside the estate "Holis" all the way to my house estate "Taman Kopo Indah 2" OMG..but the crowd was already gone.Only a smaal group of them.I saw my Junior high school that I wanted to enter to,being Burned n trown with stone.That book wrote it down.OMG..Kind of funny.Feel like telling the writer,"Hey,I was there at that time!!"...
Um..hope such things will not happen again there.. =) PEACE!!!

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