

Wohoooooo!!! ^^ I can do my chem practical prelim just now!!!YAY!!BUT...for bio...-_-" Normally I always know how to do bio than chem,but NOT for this time..So,AGAIN =P thx for Kevin and Jenifer..Thx u soooo much for teaching me yesterday..N for the notes oso!!Noe wad?IT HELPED ME ALOTZ!!!!TQ TQ TQ TQ!! XD
For my art..hmm,different story for that..=( suddenly I got MIGRANE >.<>.< but I still have to do it..So,no choise..DO!Huf..
On my way home,I saw this girl..She is from my school oso.I dun understand WHY she doesnt like me so much..?!I dont even know her last year..I only noe her this year..-_-" WTH..Everytime I say "hi" to her friend,I can tell that she doesnt like me from the way she looked at me..For those who understand this>>kadang klo ngomong ma dy gtu klo lagi rame2 ma temen dy baek bgt..gila.nice bgt senyum.tapi ngga ngerti knapa gtu..-_-" N waktu itu pernah skali,dy duduk depan g,trus ngomongin g gtu terang2an..tapi ngga sebut nama..ngga ngerti g.WAD IS WRONG WIF HER????wew..bukan g ge-er yah..tapi sirik yah loe??WAKAKA...abisnya ngomonginnya ttg kulit g putih lha..pipi g merah2 kaya pake make up lha..tapi sambil ngomel2. -_-" apaan segh??wew..geblek abis dah!!nyebelin bgt tao ngga segh loooooo!!!YOU YOU!!<< for those who dont understand,too bad..coz I was lazy to convert everthing into english sentences...SRY.. XP..
Hahahaz...Wad a day...XD

Going to study now...

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