
Umm..tokin bout today.Kind of pissed off!!My old blogskin error again so I changed it with this one.Nice?!Okay,back to the topic,not only my blogskin error,but the blogger sites itself went error!ARGH!!But finally its done!!!Tiring!But I cant stand it if I never get it done.hahaz.So,yeah..
Today in school..during last 2 period of english,I fell asleep.hahaz.I didnt know that the teacher left already and it was already 2.30..Its the time for Bio students to go to the lab and practise for practical exam.OMG.My hand numbed somemore -_-".Reach home around 5 and blogged till I finished and posted this!After this going to do my art with Suthanee.Wardah will be coming oso I think,coz I've already asked her to come =)
Pissed off because of somebody oso..but nvm,dont feel like mentioning it here now..So,just forget bout it!
Whoaaaa!!This skin kind of BIG!!Hahaz.Makes me feel like writting a very very long post..XP
PS : Congratzz for ur Phy,Kev!! ^^